Saturday, June 4, 2011

Slice of Summer... Watermelon Pie

An awesome Summer Dessert Watermelon Pie will be a Summer Staple at your house!

Just have fun and Enjoy!!!   Welcome Summer!!! 


  1. I have never had a pie made with watermelon before...looks simply terrific!

  2. Angie, you have to try it! It is Fantastic!

  3. Gosh, Laurie! This is so creative. I had no idea where you were going with your Watermelon Pie idea. I will definitely be giving this baby a spin! Thanks for sharing!!

  4. I have never had watermelon pie, but your pie looks amazing. Yummy! Thanks for sharing.

  5. This pie looks fantastic and so refreshing. I like watermelon because it is not overly sweet. What a great bargain to get a whole one for $4!

  6. This looks great! Thanks for sharing!

  7. Looks delicious. Reminds me of my grandma's yogurt pie I made.

  8. Never tried this before a water melon pie.

  9. I never had watermelon pie before but it does certainly sound very interesting and good with the way you made it. Since watermelon is good this time of year I may give it a shot! Thanks for sharing this recipe:)

    Feel free to check out my blog:

  10. Thanks so much all for the wonderful comments. I so encourage you to give it a try..There will never be leftover Watermelon in your house again!

  11. Perfect summer treat! I love watermelon, this looks like a fun treat. That brain freeze pic is SO funny :) Happy Monday!

  12. This is definitely the MOST summery recipe I've seen! ;) Love it!

  13. Hey Laurie can you believe I never ate watermelon pie? OMG this looks amazing. No bake pies are the perfect summer dessert. My Dad loves them. Bookmarked!!!

  14. Wow! This is a first for me... watermelon pie. What a wonderful summertime treat. Great Job! : )

  15. Thank you all for your wonderful comments :) I so hope you try the recipe!! It is a fantastic way to celebrate the Summer! Enjoy :)

  16. You are a genious!
    I LOVE watermelon but have never thought of doing anything with it other than slice it and eat it up hehehe..this looks amazing..
    Sawsan@Chef in disguise

  17. Sawsan...I appreciate your comments but a Genius??? YOU are the Chef!!! I am merely someone who hates to not use leftovers :) I am so glad you like the recipe. Please let me know how yours comes out :)
